BLOOD DUSTER: New Album Samples Available

May 20, 2007

Australian act BLOOD DUSTER — which is described as blending lethal grindcore with traditional '70s-style Southern rock and rockabilly rhythms spiced up with a large dose of grossed-out humor — released its new album, "Lyden Na", on April 28 via Goat Sounds. According to a press release from Shock Records, the album title, when translated from Norwegian, means "The Now Sound" — a name which is supposed to pay "homage to the great Norwegian 'black metal' bands from past and present."

In late 2006 the group started recording what is to be a three-CD set — two discs to be sold in one package, with the third to be downloaded from the band's website. The download comes with exclusive demos from the album and a special fan video only available via a password on the band's "Hippie Kill Team" members' site.

"Lyden Na" track listing:

Volume 1

01. Intro
02. Threeohhsevenohh
03. Pissstomper
04. Thekidscangetfucked
05. Rocknrolljihad
06. Brokeassbitch
07. Myspaceyourface
08. Angrydragon
09. Ilovethepills
10. Dusterduster
11. Thenighttheyburnedoldemodown

Volume 2:

01. Tendonsslicedfortransport
02. Therichbreedfuckingcockheadchildrenwhowillonedaybeyouremployer
03. Theworldandeveryoneinitdeservestodie
04. Recreationalkilling
05. Betterstartaseedbank
06. Childlaboureconomics
07. Barrelchockfullofdeadcops
08. Czechitoutigotsomerules
09. Lustmord
10. Ohmymyrahindley
11. E55
12. Rapedwithatyreiron
13. Isawyourdadsuckingoffanotherdudesdad
14. Organsforprofit
15. Strungupwithcockinhand
16. Balladofhenryandotis

Volume 3 (Download from DUSTER web site):

01. Slowandlongina

Check out audio samples at this location.

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